Ogilvie Construction a company you can trust.


Accreditations / Certifications

Ogilvie Construction is certified by:

ISO 9001 | ISO 14001 | ISO 45001

BM TRADA is a leading provider of independent assurance services to businesses around the world; including certification, testing, inspection and verification, technical and training services covering a broad range of standards, schemes and products.


NHBC Accredited


NHBC is the UK's leading standard-setting body and provider of warranty and insurance for new homes. Our role is to work with the house-building industry to raise the standards of new homes and to provide consumer protection for homebuyers.


Constructionline Accredited



As a supplier, you’ll know that jumping through the same vetting hoops every time you tender is not a brilliant use of time and resources. And for buyers, sifting through pre-qualification data and keeping it up to date adds up to a similarly wasteful job. Constructionline helps both sides of the deal bypass these problems, saving everyone time, money and hassle in the process.


Investor In People Accredited

Investors in People

Investors in People is a management framework for high performance through people. Our prestigious accreditation is recognised across the world as a mark of excellence.

We optimise performance by championing best practice in people management and equipping our organisations with the tools to succeed. Organisations that demonstrate the Investors in People Standard achieve our accreditation through a rigorous and objective assessment to determine performance.

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