Client: Kingdom Housing Association
Location: Bridge of Earn
Mix: 1 and 2 bed cottage flats, 2 bed terraced, 3 bed semi-detached
Tenure: 60 Private for Sale, 20 Affordable for Social Rent
Value: £1,998,191 (Affordable)
Contract: Design and Build
Sustainability: Silver Aspects 1 and 2, 'fabric first' design with innovative heat technology
Project Description
This development is in a peaceful rural area on the banks of the River Earn, five miles from the city of Perth. Bridge of Earn II is composed of semi-detached and detached homes, each with private gardens. The variety of house types (ten types across both tenures) provides a wide range of accommodation from starter homes to family villas.
The UK Government's 'Lifetime Neighbourhood' principles are supported by designed-in future adaptations such as accessible ground floor shower rooms, stair lifts, and apartments sized to allow flexibility of use.
Surface water is retained and managed naturally on site (SUDs) to prevent it entering the drainage network. Where possible, building materials are recycled or sourced locally to keep construction spend within a 20 mile radius.
Sustainable Homes
The buildings are 'fabric first’ Silver Aspect 1 and 2, with an emphasis on a highly insulated envelope to deliver superb energy performance. Flats and houses feature cutting edge space heating and ventilation systems complete with fully programmable intelligent controls. The enhanced thermal properties have realised a 21% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The low maximum demand for space heating is 40 kWh/m2 for the houses and 30 kWh/m2 for the flats.
Accessible Community Space
Many of the homes benefit from an outlook onto the well-equipped and landscaped children’s play area which assists with natural surveillance. A new landscaped edge was created with 80 trees planted. Accessibility has been promoted with pedestrian permeability to the new landscaped area to encourage the use of this feature.
Supporting Employment and Skills
Ogilvie engaged with Kingdom Housing Association's Construction Academy and the community to support employment and training. The Academy creates opportunities for young people to help address the 10-20% skills shortage in the UK construction industry. This collaboration successfully resulted in the creation of two full time jobs for young people. In addition, a six-figure sum was donated by Ogilvie to support local education and infrastructure.